RB-660D diving up 300 meters


What is the shelf? Why our ROV RB-660D?

It is a coastal, relatively shallow sea or oceanic zone with depths of up to 200 meters, a continental shelf bordering continents and islands. The shelf occupies up to 7.5% of the total area of the world ocean.

Large reserves of mineral and organic resources are concentrated within the shelf zone. The most intensively developed oil and gas fields.
Shipping is concentrated within the shelf, especially at river mouths. Safe navigation requires knowledge of many aspects of the hydrological regime, soil, and shallow formation.

Seaports, breakwaters, and other hydraulic structures are being built in the coastal zone of the shelf. And their technical condition must be regularly monitored and checked.

The development of the world’s oceans and shelf with the help of underwater ROVs takes place in three main areas: oceanography, resource extraction, and defense.
ROVs are currently the main tool for underwater operations where diving forces and resources are insufficient.

Offshore exploration on the shelf is increasing. Environmental monitoring of wells and pipelines can be an important task for an ROV. After all, it is much cheaper than using manned underwater vehicles or divers.

In addition to the oil and gas industry, it should also be noted the market of works in the field of laying and operating transoceanic cable networks. Notable development has recently been observed in the Offshore Renewables area (offshore construction associated with the construction of offshore wind farms).

ROV RB-660D with a diving depth of up to 300 m can be used in the shelf zone:
• Monitoring the condition of marine crops;
• Finding problems in pipelines that can lead to cracks, and then to faults;
• Investigation of the surface of ships;
• Research of port facilities;
• Other operations, including the survey of the seabed and various objects.

ROV RB-660D is able to be underwater for an unlimited time until a complete survey of the object. In addition, it will show all the problems and defects that have occurred in real-time, as well as make a video recording.

RB-660D is equipped with two Full HD cameras as standard, front and rear. Our underwater drone could connect many cameras and simultaneously transmit several video streams to the control unit of the complex. It is possible to install cameras on the required place on the frame. This feature significantly increases the information content of the complex since it is possible to explore and search for information from several cameras at once.

On each of our ROVs, we can place various additional equipment for underwater research or repair.

Thanks to the built-in position and orientation sensors, the RB-660D is stable in control and movement. The use of such sensors in conditions of underwater currents and rough seas ensures the operation of the stabilization modes along the course and depth.