Underwater ROV from “ROVBUILDER” or Chinese drone? Part 3.


  1. ROV remote control.

ROVBUILDER uses the popular SONY PS4 joystick to control the ROV, it works in both wired and wireless mode. High reliability and easy to replace. Also, if you wish, it is possible to adapt any USB joystick to control your robot.

  1. ROV reliability and life cycle.

Chinese manufacturers are focused on the mass factory production of robots. This is of course a big plus – what comes out of the factory, as a rule, works normally right away.

But mass technologies lose in reliability over a long distance to those robots that are made by hand.

ROVBUILDER is focused on manual assembly, with each robot being assembled according to the requirements and wishes of the customer (with the possibility of the next upgrade of both tools and software). The well-known human factor will not go anywhere, but we compensate it by obligatory tests of assembled drones in our pool and in the open sea, as well as by obligatory pressure testing in a high-pressure chamber to the working depth.

  1. Service and customer support.

ROVBUILDER sends the necessary spare parts, we do both warranty and post-warranty repairs. Digital robots can remotely diagnose and update software (interesting new features appear regularly on the settings and additional capabilities of robots).

Feel like a part of the future that defines the global quality standards for underwater robotics with the professionals from ROVBUILDER.